niedziela, 8 listopada 2015

Culture Corner #1: 10 Facts About The Republic Of Georgia

1. High Mountains

What is the highest mountain range in Europe? It's the Caucasus Mountains marking border between Russia and Georgia. The highest peak is in Russia, but Georgia lays claim to the second highest peak in Europe. It's called Shkara (5,193m) and beats Mont Blanc by nearly 400m.

2. Georgia Is In...

...Europe not in the USA.

3. Joseph Stalin

The leader of the Soviet Union was from the Republic Of Georgia. His favorite red wine was Khvanchkara which is a semi-sweet wine.

4. Uplistsikhe (უფლისციხე)

It's the oldest rock-hewn town in Georgia.

5. Georgia Is Not Georgia?

Georgians call their country as Sakartvelo. Other people may call it as Georgia or the Republic Of Georgia.
Flag Of Georgia

6. Population Of Goergia

Population of Georgia is about 5,000,000 people. What is the most interesting part of this part, about 1,200,000 people live in Tbilisi, the capital city.

7. Georgia Borders With...

Georgia borders with the Black Sea, Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Turkey.

8. Religion

The country of Georgia is almost 84% Orthodox Christian. Christianity became the official religion in fourth century.

9. EU and NATO?

Georgia, with its pro-western view and developing economy wants to join NATO and European Union.

10. Independence

Goergia attained independence from the Soviet Union on 9th April 1991.

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