niedziela, 22 listopada 2015

Culture Corner #2: 5 Suprising Facts About Brazil

 Did you know that Brazilian's native language is Portuguese? No? Then you should read this post because you may learn something else.

Map of Brazil
By the way, the letters on Brazilian flag means: "Order and Progress"

1. Brazil is 5th...

...largest country on the world and its area is 8,515,767 km2

2. FIFA World Cup 2014

8 out of the 12 host cities are among the 50 most violent cities in the world.

3. Brazilian athletes in 1932 have funded their trip to Olypmicc by selling coffee along the way.

4. Vote for Rhino!!!

In 1958, a Rhino was a candidate for elections in Sao Paulo!

5. Brazil as coffee exporter!

Brazil has been the world’s largest exporter of coffee for 150 years. It supplied around 80 per cent of the world’s coffee in the 1920s.

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